The Flower-Giver is a fable originally written in Hlupuplok.
Here is the original Hlupuplok-language fable, followed by an English translation:
Ohleku kūtōlu vlek hloschēschē tēhlē. Ehe fō. Hēvōk vlek kēschēte xūhlē, hufo fōme vle tēhlē. Schofo, vlek schētehlē, hufu xluxle kotōhlē. Loscho, vle komoxoplok “Xluxlekotōvō'' tēhlē.
Xluxlekotōvōk xutēschē hloschēschē schlōschētehlē. Xutēschē vōk otōkoxeplū huhe oōlēle huhe schlūoōlēle tēhlē. Xuhlo kōtēhlē. Xluxlekotōvōk hupū xutēschē kotōhlē. Xutēschē vōk kopūku hē tehlē. Xluxlekotōvō eōk hūko ohūpōletēhlē.
Schofo, xutēschē vō xuhlok schluschētehlē. Ehe huhluk kūtēhlē. Xluxlekotōvō schētek schluletēhlē, hufu vōk xluxlekotōvō oō kētēhlē. Schofo, xluxlekotōvōk schlūkōtēhlē, hufu xluxle kotōvōhlē.
Xluxlekotōvōk xutēschē hloschēschē hlēschētehlē. Xutēschē schuhumeschēme schētehlē. Schuhumeschēme uschē xluxle schēkutuhlē. Xluxlek hūehuhe ehlu tēhlē. Hlōhlo, xluxlekotōvōk ekeku hūhloschēte. Huvōk xluxlekotōvō hlēxutē kētēhlē.
Hlok hlohūkūtēhlē. Xutēschēk oxutēhlē. Xutēschē vōk ehe xluxlekotōvō xūhlē. Fōlo xluxlekotōvōk xluxle kotōhlēflu? Fōlo xutēschēk xuhloschē xluxlekotōvō schētehlēflu? Xutēschē vōk uhe xehlo lētōhlē.
Koxeplū xlexehlok xutēschē tumu xehlotuhlē. Xluxlekotōvō eō komūtuhlē. Xutēschē vōk xuhlo fe kētēhlē. Fōme te schufo koxeplūtō kētēhlē. Hufu loscho, koxeplūtōhlē.
Ehe hlok hlohūkūtēhlē, hufu xutēschē vō koxeplūk hlohūxehlotuhlē. Vōk ehuhe eō lētōhlē, hufu xuhlo ehe ekeku tohlē. Koxeplū okekuhlo tehlē, hufu xutēschē ehuhe eō letēhlē.
Xutēschē vōk hloschēschē “schēk oxutē” plehlē. Hūhlole xluxlek schuhumeschēme uschē toetuhlē. Ehe hūehuhe ehlu tēhlē. Schofo, xluxlekotōvōk hēschē tēhlē. Xutēschē vō koxeplūk hūhlole xluxle xehlotuhlē.
Hlūhlo, schuhumeschēme uschēk ehleku xluxle ohlekuxleschē. Hū xluxlek hūehuhe ehlu. Schēk eō, hufu vōk etōkoxeplū. Oschlekuk xluxlekotōvō xū, schofo xluxlekotōvōk ohlekuxleschē lētō.
The Flower-Giver
There existed at one time a small, nomadic creature. This creature was very mysterious. No one knew where they came from, or what kind of creature they were. All they knew was that the creature would go around giving people beautiful flowers. So, they called this creature "the flower-giver".
At one point, the flower-giver visited a dying land. The people of this land were crestfallen, unhappy, depressed. They had lost all hope, and only waited for the end to finally come. The flower-giver gave flowers to the people of this land, too. They did not do anything in return, and most people were not affected by the flower-giver's kindness.
But the end of these people did not come quickly. A very long time passed as the people of the dying land continued to wait for their end. The travels of the flower-giver began to slow down, and people realized that the flower-giver was not healthy. Even so, the flower-giver still brought flowers to new and old lands.
At last, the flower-giver returned to the dying land. It went to the capital of the dying land. In the center of the capital city, the flower-giver placed one final flower. It was the most beautiful flower imaginable. After that, the flower-giver walked away, never to be seen again. Many believe the flower-giver died on that day.
Time continued to pass, and still the dying land had yet to see itself finally fall. Over that time, the people of the dying land began to think about the flower-giver more and more. Why did it give away the flowers so freely? Why was their land the final one that the flower-giver visited? As the people of the dying land did this, they felt something begin inside of them.
A seed of hope formed in the hearts of this dying land. The seed was fostered by the flower-giver's kindness. The people began to wonder if the end would really come at all. They began to wonder what would happen if they were to be hopeful at the end of their time. And so, the people of the dying land began to be hopeful.
Even more time passed, and the hope that the people of the dying land had within them continued to grow. Surely enough, people began to feel better, and the end of the land seemed more distant. Soon, people began to act on this hope, and conditions improved.
One day, the people of this land declared that it was no longer dying. On that day, another flower appeared in the center of the capital city, this one even more beautiful than the last. Yet the flower-giver was still gone, there was no sign of it. Alas, this new flower was created solely by the hope that the people of this land had fostered.
Now, the center of the capital city of this land is covered in a vast field of stunningly beautiful flowers. The land is in good health, and its people full of hope. While few actually remember the flower-giver at this time, its actions can still be felt in that field of flowers.