Alphanumericism is a personal numerology.

Inspired by this old website, Alphanumericism primarily comprises explorations into the relationships between words, numbers, and their associated concepts in relation to one another. It uses exclusively a decimal number system and has thus far only involved the mathematical subfields of arithmetic and algorithm.

It should be noted that Alphanumericism is not intended to provide any insight into reality or perception - it's simply a fun experiment and holds no value as a discipline to be taken seriously.


An important operation in Alphanumericism is reduction - the addition of the individual digits of a multi-digit number until only a single-digit result remains. For example, reducing '25' to '7' by adding together '2+5'.

The English alphabet contains 26 letters. When all letters are numbered in order (A = 1, B = 2... Z = 26) and then reduced (Z = 26 = 2+6 = 8), a single-digit "alphabet" containing 3 instances of 1-8 and 2 instances of 9 is produced. By utilizing this single-digit "alphabet", strings of letters can be themselves totaled and reduced to derive a single-digit representation. These representations don't inherently hold any meaning, but when considered in relation to other words and concepts, it's possible for meaningful patterns to emerge and be derived.

In the number of years since its inception, many longform investigations into groups of individual words and concepts have been performed. Some general observable meanings for each digit (0-9) have been recorded:

These meanings were derived by reducing large numbers of words to single digits and pouring over the relationships between the concepts inherent to those words' meanings.

Alphanumericism has partially inspired the decimal conlang Desan.